myopic astigmatismの例文


  1. Simple myopic astigmatism
  2. Compound myopic astigmatism
  3. The results of using excimer laser photoastigmatism refractive keratectomy for a simple myopic astigmatism
  4. Analysis on three - year follow - up results of excimer laser photor efractive keratectomy in treatment for myopia and myopic astigmatism
  5. Corneal surfaces in eyes with regular astigmatism are thought to be toroidal surfaces . based on mathematical models for corneal surfaces before and after treatment , a corneal ablation model is given for such refractive errors as spherical myopia , compound myopic astigmatism , and simple myopic astigmatism . a similar corneal ablation model is also given for such refractive errors as hyperopia , compound hyperopic astigmatism , and simple hyperopic astigmatism


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  11. "myopias"の例文
  12. "myopic"の例文
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  14. "myopic choroiditis"の例文

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